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Financial Affairs is a team of professionals serving university, governance, affiliates, associations and broader community financial needs. With approximately 65 full time equivalent staff, Financial Affairs conducts its work with a focus on employee engagement and empowerment. Employee engagement is measured bi-annually with team developed action plans to address opportunities.

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Employee Engagement Score 2016 2018
Financial Affairs Overall Employee Engagement Index 68.3% 73.8%
Rest of McMaster University Administration Overall Index 66.8% 68.0%

The employee engagement survey helps Financial Affairs focus on areas most critical of improvement for our staff. All survey results are reviewed for action planning, however, results below 60% are given the greatest efforts and actions are developed through team retreats and unit level meetings, involving employee engagement ambassadors. The most recent employee engagement results suggest improvements over the 2016 results. Opportunities remain predominantly on our sufficiency of resources or enough staff 59.0% (2016: 52.4%) and workload stress 59.6% (2016: 57.1%). The previous employee engagement survey completed in 2016 pointed to additional opportunities, all of which have improved in 2018, such as workload distribution 54.3% (2018: 62.2%), workload manageability 59.6% (2018: 61.9%), and improved communication regarding change 59.8% (2018: 67.4%).