Workflow approval is determined by the chartfield string that is used (department, program, project etc…) and the type of activity (journal, purchase order, expense report etc…) that is is being processed. For information on how a specific transaction is routed through workflow, please contact
The chain of approvals cannot be changed in Travel and Expenses. You can add approvers in a Non-PO voucher.
To manage a delegate in Mosaic, go to the Main Menu and select “Finance”, then select “My System Profile”. Under “Alternate User”, enter the user you wish to delegate your approvals to and the dates for the delegation to occur. To delete a delegate, leave this area blank. Click “Save” when done.
Connect from Home
To access the PeopleSoft system, users must be on the McMaster network or attached through the McMaster VPN. (Users connecting from a Hamilton Health Sciences or St. Joseph’s Healthcare facility do NOT need to use the VPN.)
Finance Access
If you already have a MacID and Mosaic account, you can find the login page at
If you need to apply for Mosaic Finance access, please use the form found at (please note a McMaster employee will need to complete the access request).
All questions related to MacIDs for non-employees should be directed to the University Technology Services (UTS) service desk. They can be reached at extension 24357, or by email at
Once an employee is hired by the department and approved by Human Resources, an employee profile is completed. At this point, an employee can apply to UTS for a MacID username and password. Finance Access is applied at the position level. If an employee is hired into a current position Finance Security will automatically be applied. For new positions, a Mosaic eForm will need to be completed. This form is available at
Journal Entries
A Quick Guide on Journal Entries can be found by logging into Mosaic and clicking on the Support and Documentation tile from the homepage, and then the How-to Guides tile. Under the General Ledger heading is the Journal Entry Quick Guide, which explains the journal entry tool in detail.
Yes, there is ample space in the description field available for each journal you create, in addition to a description field that is available for each journal line. Also, you can attach documents to each journal entry.
Important: Before starting the upload process you must install a Journal Entry Upload Tool found at If this step is skipped the spreadsheet journal will not upload.
Once above installation is complete a detailed guide “Journal Upload Quick Reference” can be found within the Support & Documentation Tile within Mosaic home page, then How To Guides under the Journal Uploads Section.
Journals create unbalanced entries when more than one fund or Business unit is used. To obtain the balance, the Peoplesoft “Inter/Intra-Unit Processor” completes the entries by automatically charging the same amounts to the fund and the inter/intra-unit balance sheet accounts only – No department, program, or project is double charged. That way, Peoplesoft enables the user to record the transaction using a minimal number of journal entry lines without entering all the lines that are required to fully balance the entry.
Month End
The month end schedule can be at
Mosaic Reports
There are a few different ways to obtain reports in the Mosaic System.
For Information on how to do “Ledger Inquiry”, open Mosaic and click on the “Documentation” tab. Under the “General Ledger” heading there is a “Financial Information Quick Guide”.
For information on using the “Statement of Operations” Nvision report, please visit:
The GL WorkCenter can be accessed from the Mosaic portal by clicking on the “My Work” tab, then selecting “GL WorkCenter” in the left navigation pane, and then clicking on the “Reports/Queries” tab. If after you click on the “My Work” tab you do not see the “GL WorkCenter” link, please contact to request access.
Note: It is recommended the Ledger Inquiry or Trial Balance reports are used to look up account balances.
Instructions: Please visit the Mosaic Learning Hub ( Login using your MAC ID. Quick reference material for can be found on the Home page under Course Material secetion. Select “General Ledger”, then select “Journal Entry – Quick Guide . pdf”. Ledger Inquiry examples begin on page 5 and Trial Balance on page 15. The Mosaic Learning Hub also offers in-class and web-based courses on a number of important topics.
Please visit the Mosaic Learning Hub ( Login using your MAC ID. The Mosaic Learning Hub offers quick reference guides, in-class and web-based courses on a number of important topics.
The labour distribution reports include information on salary, wage and benefit, hours worked and calculated FTE details by account and by month for each employee charged to that cost centre. Further information and resources can be found on Mosaic in the Support and Documentation tile (under How To Guides, in the Human Resources section).
This information can be found in Mosaic by using the search found at Finance > Project Costing > Project Definitions > Team. If you do not have access to this screen please contact an accountant in the appropriate area. McMaster Research Finance or Health Sciences Research Finance.
Definition of common terms can be found in the Glossary of Financial Terms ( PC is an acronym for Project Costing. “PC Business Unit” is used when recording transaction for a “Project”.
For training on Mosaic/PeopleSoft software please visit the Mosaic Learning Hub (
The how-to guides in Mosaic provide resources on journal entries. Log into Mosaic, click on the Support and Documentation tile, and then the How-to Guides tile. Under the General Ledger heading, there are resources relating to journal entries: General Ledger, Journal Entries, and Workflow presentation Journal Entry Quick Guide
Training related to PeopleSoft Financials can be found on our Mosaic Learning Hub ( Note : You can find Log in link at the upper right hand portion of the screen. Refer to the Training FAQs for further information or contact the training coordinator.